
The Africa Season

I am because we are.



Dear Hannah

Dear Hannah, Life was full while you were growing inside of me.  I was in my first year in a new position; your dad was in grad school; we were building you and Phoebe a house; and, of course, we... Continue Reading →

Don’t Refuse.

Though not all churches focus on it, the theology of suffering is hard to miss throughout scripture.  The Old Testament (Job), New Testament (Romans 8: 17), and even the words of Jesus himself (John 16:33) confirm that suffering is to be... Continue Reading →

The day God had planned.

Psalm 139:16- You saw me before I was born. Every day of my life was recorded in your book. Every moment was laid out before a single day had passed. (NLT) We were on our way to the birthday party... Continue Reading →

The Threat of Joy

Joy is so strong. It's a quiet boldness that welcomes the weak and affronts the arrogant. Joy is dangerous to division, to conceit, to bitterness, to animosity. Joy is confident and gracious. Joy sleeps well. Joy isn't conditional. That's happiness.... Continue Reading →

The New Kid(s)

"We all speak three languages. We've all travelled over seas. We all are wearing the color black. We all like to eat chicken." I sat, listening to representatives from the entire high school share a list of things everyone in... Continue Reading →

Here’s to the next “Today”.

I can't even with my nephew. He's the absolute best. His newest trick is to tell me, "You're pretty" randomly. He likes to play nap-time and shoot me so I come back as a monster. I get to see him... Continue Reading →

Finding Freedom

Entry Gate on Robben Island It was 2010. I was sitting in the living room of my first apartment confused as to why American World History textbooks consistently allotted a single unit at best and a single chapter at worst... Continue Reading →

Yelling at Monkeys

Some choose years, some choose chapters, I choose seasons to group my life experiences. If my first six months in Kenya were "Just The Beginning", then my second six months were "Drought" as I spent at least half without running... Continue Reading →

Get Curious

When you're right in the middle of it. When it hurts. When you don't know if you can hold on one more second. Instead of giving up, can you get curious? Can you try a new perspective? Can you take... Continue Reading →

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